California Dreaming: Sukan's adventures in the Golden State

Sukan Suksawang

Visiting UCEAP Reciprocity Student: at UCR for Academic Year 2021 - 2022
Home University: Thammasat University in Thailand
Major at Home University: Global Studies & Social Entrepreneurship
Major at UCR: Sociology
Sukan has been working with the Education Abroad office to promote study abroad to UCR students.


Female, early 20s, dark hair, sitting on a large rock at sunset
Visiting UCEAP reciprocity student Sukan Suksawang enjoys hiking near Riverside and exploring California's natural landscapes (Spring 2022).


1. What has surprised you about UC Riverside?

UC Riverside has a stunning mountain view and is an ethnically diverse university! I got to know many friends from different backgrounds. Everyone here is also amicable and helpful. I feel so impressed whenever I ask someone any questions and they are very welcoming to help. There are a lot of good opportunities for me too. I joined the Thai club and be a volunteer for the education abroad department here. By doing these activities, I met many good new friends who are both students from here and international.

2. What advice would you give to future reciprocity students about preparing for and adjusting to life at UCR?

Everything is better when you have a plan and basic knowledge of where you are going. You can do the research online about UC riverside and overview of the California culture, as well as plan your budget and time for both studying and travel destinations you would like to visit during your abroad year. Doing these could help you to mitigate the risk of culture shock and organize your life better in a new place. Other than that you may need your time to adjust yourself a little bit if you come from a semester school system. UC Riverside has a quarter system and it goes pretty fast. But no worries, you can get used to it quickly. Lastly, coming to UC Riverside can be one of the best experiences in your life (like me). So, be open-minded to new cultures and enjoy your life here!

3. What advice would you give to UCR students wanting to study abroad?

Do not hesitate and do it! I understand that going abroad alone for the first and pretty long time can be scary. In fact, everybody always has a first time when doing new things, so you are not alone. This is my first time in the US as well and I never regret my decision. I learned a lot from this experience such as culture, and people, including knowing myself better. It was so fun and happy learning new things while studying abroad.

4. What are two or three favorite moments from the year in California?

I did a road trip with my international friends from Riverside to San Francisco. During the road trip, we had a good time experiencing new places and learned a lot about American culture. Moreover, the natures in California are more than amazing! I love to watch sunset every day in Riverside. The color of sunset on the sky with the mountain view is the best!





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