Celebrating Worldfest Fall 2021


Worldfest Education Abroad Fair 2021:

Perspectives & Reflections from Faculty and Students

UCR’s 2021 Worldfest Education Abroad Fair was mostly virtual this year, with many sessions offered by international education organizations, like CAPA, API, and JET. A session on the UCR Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program (FLEAP) was also hosted for students to connect 1:1 with FLEAP faculty in break-out rooms.

There was one in-person tabling event at the UCR Bell Tower called the “Culture & Conversation Fair” hosted by Professor Reiko Sato of the UCR Comparative Literature and Languages Department and the Highlander Abroad Advisory  Council (HAAC). It was a fun-filled day of international-themed music, live onstage student interviews, and a dragon dance by the UCR Vietnamese Student Association! (see two photos below)

Participating in the Culture and Conversation event helped Professor Robert McKee connect with students and other faculty:“Worldfest was awesome. It was great to get outside and interact with the students in person as well as hearing FLEAP colleagues talk about their programs...I think a huge benefit of Worldfest from a program advertisement standpoint is that it puts us right out there in front of the students, which helps reduce the fear of seeking out professors who they may not have had for class previously.” Professor McKee is running a summer 2022 FLEAP to Paris, France titled, “Microfluidics Research Applications and Testing.”

A few students also shared their experience with our team:

“The outside event did an excellent job to provide me with the information I needed. Fortunately, one of the staff had already studied abroad in the country I am interested in so I was able to gain a better insight on what to expect and how to prepare. The staff was also excited to help, which made the event more welcoming and enjoyable for everyone. I recommend showing up to their next event if you have even the slightest interest in studying abroad.” - Isaiah Hernandez


“The cultural event was really informative and fun to go to.  It was helpful to get personal accounts of student’s time overseas and the brochure was informative and easy to navigate." - Tiaira Chaney


Worldfest Fall 2021 Photo Collage
Snapshots from the Culture and Conversation Fair during Worldfest Fall 2021
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